Wednesday 30 October 2013

A message to Western media outlets...

A message to Western media from heroic media activist and Radio Free Syria manager Qusai Zakarya in Moadamiya, #Damascusprovince concerning the evacuation of some civilians from the town yesterday. As has become the norm, media, including the BBC and the Huffington Post, reported only the Assad regime's monstrously distorted version of events, without bothering to consult its victims, whose voices are silenced by both the regime and Western media, both mainstream and 'alternative' (sic).

"Moadamiya, #Damascus province, 30-10-2013: I would like to update you about the situation in Moadamiya. Over 100 men were detained yesterday during the evacuation. Today news has come out that these men are being forces into serving in the Syrian army and to join Assad's thugs, commonly called shabeeha. Certainly, these men would prefer death over such a fate. It's also important to remember that during the first evacuation a few weeks ago, Assad forces detained several children and some still remain in custody, their fates unknown to their families. Although many journalists have written about the Moadamiya story, no one has focused on the fate of the evacuated civilians and the danger they are in right now."

Introduction by Radio Free Syria's Ruth, message via Qusai Zakarya in Moadamiya, Damascus province.

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