Thursday 26 December 2013

Statement regarding the recent challenges faced by Turkish PM Erdogan, firm supporter of the Syrian Revolution

Radio Free Syria stands by Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, especially given the suspicious, desertion of him by foreign 'allies' & 'friends', just as his government suddenly seems to be coming into something of a crisis, given the latest corruption scandal. Just as this has started to brew, said 'allies' and friends have suddenly begun to abandon his government at a time when true friends would surely show solidarity. Especially given the fact that Erdogan's government is not only democratic, but popular and progressive.

It seems abundantly clear that such desertion is a punishment for Erdogan's refusal to moderate his stance on Assad and his genocide within Syria (it must be remembered that Erdogan's government has been with the Syrian revolution from the start, providing assistance to refugees, as well as condemning Assad's brutality, as well as allowing foreign fighters to cross into Syria).

Radio Free Syria urges Erdogan to get his millions of supporters onto the streets, as we fear that the Turkish government may find a Tamarod-style uprising unleashed upon them, brought on by foreign agitators (e.g. the US and allies) as a punishment for not moderating their stance.

Although this may seem conspiratorial to some, what happened to Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi, DIRECTLY after he announced his full support for the Syrian revolution, must be remembered. He was vilified as friends with "hardline Islamists" and deposed, by a movement (the Tamarod movement, which is coincidentally pro-Assad) led by those connected to the military and the US, as well as members of the former regime (clearly concerned that they would lose their billions in military aid if they facilitated the removal of Israel's closest protector and friend (and therefore one of the US' closest friends), Assad (who guarantees their border security and illegal hold over the Golan, which his father sold to them), while hypocritically posturing as an avowed anti-Zionist).

We therefore urge all to stay vigilant, especially Erdogan and his government, who we have full confidence in, especially given his friendship towards the Syrian people.

- The RFS team.

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